Non VUNET Programmes


Non VUNET Programmes

Vishwakarma University, Pune offers more than 40 UG and PG programmes under different faculties / streams viz. Art & Design, Architecture, Commerce and Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies, Law, Media and Communication, Pharmacy, Science and Technology.

Vishwakarma University National Entrance Test (VUNET) is applicable to only a select few programmes as listed below.

Design (B.Des - Product / Graphics / UX etc.)
Design (M.Des - Product / Graphics / UX etc.)

Engineering (B.Tech - AI & DS, Computer, Mechanical)

Law (LLB - 3 Years after Graduation)
Law - (LLM - 1 Year after LLB)

Pharmacy (B.Pharm)
Pharmacy (D.Pharm)

Management (BBA / BBA-IB)
Management (MBA)

VUNET is not applicable for the programmes other than the programmes which are listed above.

For the programmes other than the above, candidates are suggested to approach the VU Counselling and Admissions office (Pune) directly, to seek information about provisional admission. Please check contact details regarding working days and office timings before visiting the campus.

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