Test Instructions


Test Instructions

VUNET is conducted "online" on Vishwakarma University’s own Platform / System in an online proctored mode.

On the day of VUNET at a given time, the candidate is expected to login by using candidate created login credentials (refer VU emails for – Login ID and Password).

After logging in the candidate is required to read the instructions carefully before starting with the examination.

Each multiple choice question will have 4 options –the candidate is required to select / click the one of choice.

Candidates may attempt the questions in any order. Candidate are suggested to Use “Next” and / or “Previous” Buttons to navigate.

While taking VUNET, Candidates may keep question/s unanswered. There is no need to follow the sequence or to attempt each question. Candidates can revisit unanswered questions later (however, during the test time). During exam time, multiple times,the candidate is allowed to change the answer of attempted question/s.

Candidates can use blank page/s to do the Rough work (if any).

After attempting each question, the candidate is required to “Save” the answer to move to the next question.

For easy recognition, “Question overview” palette, is provided on “EasyPariksha” Platform. The questions are assigned colour codes (Green and Red). Green colour indicates “attempted question/s” and Red colour indicates “non-attempted” question/s.

At the end (after attempting all / possible questions), the candidate is required to end the examination (on / before time) by clicking on the “End Exam” button.

Candidate are suggested to read technical requirements and material requirements (design programmes) and do the needful accordingly.

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